Sunday, March 21, 2010

A Statement Regarding Dub Fans

A Brief Statement

You know, I’ve held myself back for the last couple of months from making this statement. However, no more. The latest hail and then rage against a company has made me snap, so to speak. I’ve had my fill of this fandom, but one portion of the fandom in general. I’m talking of course, about the dub fanatics. Every thread that involves a new company license announcement that is sub-only, the annoying parasites are there. Sure, there exists a moderate faction of dub fans, but they are heavily outnumbered. Then, when a company does decide to dub something, the darn dub fanatics complain or have no interest in the title and would buy such-and-such instead if it was dubbed. Which leads to why I’ve made this post. How can I put this lightly?

Mr. or Mrs. or Miss Dub fanatics, you are parasites. You will kill this industry. Leave us non-radical parasites alone because you are ruining it for the rest of us. You are ruining what used to be a good thing for us all, you are ruining license announcement threads by complaining about it being sub-only. You are a disgusting group of people. Adapt to the sub-only way of life or shut the heck up and let the rest of us be happy. Self-centered little sons of… I think your parents taught you that you can’t have it all. Id they didn’t, I just taught it to you. Get over it and yourselves.

That is all.



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